Stephens Life Magazine

Design for a student-run feature magazine


Stephens Life is the award-winning, student run magazine at Stephens College.


Design a print magazine that fosters community, discusses relevant topics and attracts prospective students.


Editor in chief for three semesters. I oversaw the creative direction and production of the magazine.

Design process

  • Theme, story and visual pitches: Research the zeitgeist. What is our community interested in? What challenges are we facing? Whose voices are we not hearing?

  • Collaborate and define: What stories do we feel strongly about? What visual direction enhances each story?

  • Plan: Select stories, assign team members, set deadlines.

  • Execute: Write and review stories, produce photoshoots, design layouts.

  • Mock up: Mock up each layout, review, get feedback.

  • Finalize: Send to print, conduct quality control.

